Why Independence is important in a relationship?

Why Independence is important in a relationship?

When in love, we often get lost in a soul and get carried away. For many of us, happiness and dedication toward our partner become our top priorities. However, while giving all that we have in a relationship, it is essential to remember that other areas of our lives are filled with meaning, happiness, and love. If you stop prioritizing the other parts of your life, you might lose them. And then your happiness is entirely dependent on one that your partner provides. This can be a very unhealthy situation to be in. 

As Will Smith said, her happiness is not my responsibility. She should be happy, and I should be happy individually. Then we come together and share our happiness. Giving someone a responsibility to make you happy when you can’t do it for yourself is selfish.”

The most successful relationships are the ones in which two people form a bond that enables them to grow independently. Finding new interests and dreams, cherishing what’s important to them individually, and encouraging each other’s growth is what make a strong and healthy relationship. Let us understand further why being independent is important in a relationship.

1. It is truly the top aspect of a relationship.

People have different answers when asked what the most important aspect of a relationship is. Loyalty, trust, communication, and honesty are common expectations from a relationship. However, independence is one of the underrated traits, but it can potentially build a relationship that lasts a lifetime. Individuality is very important in any relationship.

2. Self-love is the first step toward a fulfilling relationship with your partner.

To love someone becomes difficult when you don’t love yourself enough. And this we have heard from almost everybody. How can we commit ourselves to someone else when our relationship with ourselves is not strong enough? It’s important to love yourself enough because you understand yourself better only when you love yourself.

3. You can contribute only when you are complete.

Ask these questions to yourself, Am I comfortable being my unique self? Do I consider myself enough? If the answer is yes, you are well placed, but if the answer is no, there is a dire need for you to first be okay with yourself. Being comfortable with yourself is no less than a prowess; with it you can improve your own life and that of your loved one too. How will you make someone else happy if you are not? So make sure you love yourself enough and feel complete without anyone.

4. Trying new things flourishes your relationship.

Being in a relationship for a long time, we often limit ourselves to a comfort zone. We get used to doing the usual chores and stick to that. However, time to time quotient of excitement and adrenaline is essential for one. Trying new things makes you realize that you are capable of acing new things and perfecting them. It could be as simple as learning a new skill or hobby.

5. Focusing on yourself helps the relationship go stronger.

Hasn’t it happened to you that you are so focused on someone that you lose your direction? Well, we have seen it as one of the common problems in a relationship. This is because being part of a couple makes them forget who they are as an individual. Other aspects of one’s life mustn’t be neglected in a relationship. Spending enough time alone, doing things that you love, making efforts for your well-being, nurturing your other relationships, having personal goals and aspirations, and practicing self-love and self-care are ways to focus on yourself. Please remember that focusing on yourself does not make you selfish! 

6. Happiness is equivalent to relying less on and having no expectations

When we rely and expect less, we begin to live in the present and are filled with acceptance, gratitude, and love. Instead of focusing on what’s not in our control, we focus on what is in our control. Not having expectations does not mean that you have to lower your standards or compromise on what you deserve. It is just a step towards fulfillment from within. 



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