7 things to do right now to make tomorrow a better day

7 things to do right now to make tomorrow a better day!

hands, future, keep
7 things to do right now to make tomorrow a better day!

One won’t deny when we say that not every day goes as we plead. No matter how well we are thriving in life, some bitter days are a part of it. If this was not enough, the worries and uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring persist. Amidst all of this, we lose out on things that truly matter. One cannot change the past and can’t really deal with everything that’s happening in the present.  But one can definitely change what tomorrow holds for you. I know nothing about the future so how can I change it? Must be your question. Well, you can make it better by building up a strong and fresh perspective. One that backs you in all the situations. We may not be able to conquer each day but at least we can make it better than today. So here are 7 things you can do right now to make tomorrow a better day. 

1. Revisit the day that has gone:

The only way you can bring in a better tomorrow is by not repeating the same mistakes of the day that has gone. And hence the first thing you ought to do, to make tomorrow a better day is to reflect on today. You could either journal your day or just close your eyes and think of how you dealt with your day. Make sure you give 10 to 15 mins to this activity daily without any distractions. The motive is not to dwell on the mistakes but to analyze and right them. Don’t just concentrate on the negatives but also reminisce on what went right.  If you find yourself getting carried away, bring yourself back with the thought that the motive is a better tomorrow and hence better actions. 

2. Adopt healthy habits:

While it may sound like the most repetitive advice, it is indeed a practical one. One that will pave way for you in many ways. All of us want to imbibe healthy habits in our day-to-day life but seldom do we take action in the right manner. Adopting healthy habits does not necessarily mean going big. We say so as they often leave us thinking and not acting. Hence start with simple actionable steps. Avoid using cell phones first thing in the morning, make your bed, practice gratitude, substitute screen time with some stretching and exercise, meditate, and eat healthily. Small steps for major changes. 

3. Prep for the day

A student, a work professional, or a homemaker, everybody has their own set of chores for the day that is yet to unfold. Given this, one can always prep for what tomorrow holds. It could be planning your day, charging your gadgets, keeping your clothes ready, putting your important things in place, deciding your meals, running errands for a stress-free morning, etc. Prepping for the day ahead will automatically set you right for tomorrow. It’s an act that shall allow you to take control of what tomorrow holds for you.

4. Build a concrete mindset

Building a concrete mindset implies staying persistent no matter what. It also means not altering your good practices for mere pleasure. To put it straight, mind your mind! Do not compromise your health and other aspects by ignoring simple things. Wake up on the first alarm, eat healthily, stop procrastinating, take 8 hours of sleep, hydrate, and keep yourself agile. These are little things that can have a great impact on how you deal with life. Staying firm on your beliefs and habits can not only prepare you well for tomorrow but will help you better adapt to change.

5. Become progressive

You can make your tomorrow better only when you start thinking about it. Only when you have a forward-thinking mindset you can make the most of tomorrow. Dwelling on what you did in the past, the mistakes and the failures will only pull you back. To think ahead is the goal and that can be done through simple steps like focusing on the solutions rather than the problem, being hopeful of the future, being optimistic, asking the right questions, and most importantly, knowing when to let go!

6. Set your intentions for the day

Setting intentions for the day implies relentlessly reminding yourself what you want to achieve. It could vary from something as simple as, “ I want to stick to my to-do list today” to something as major as “I want to grab this deal today”. The motive is to set the right approach and help you reach your desires. Practicing gratitude, creating a mantra, or building up a routine are some ways of setting your intentions for the day.


Make it a point to start  your day on a positive note 

How you spend the early hours of the day, defines how your rest of the day will go. So, no matter what the situation, adhere to the principle of starting your day on a positive note. You could do so by listing 10 things that you are grateful for, hydrating yourself first thing in the morning, reading something motivating, making yourself a healthy breakfast, or spending good 40 mins on exercising. Anything that sets you for the day. An optimistic start to a day automatically builds an entirely fresh perspective for the day. 

So go on and take efforts to make tomorrow a better day. Set yourself on this path and conquer you definitely will. 



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