7 Simple ways to start believing in yourself more

7 Simple ways to start believing in yourself more

Believe in yourself! A phrase often told by our near and dear ones to help us cope with life. However, it is never easy to put that into practice, especially when going through a rough phase in life. Although we understand your hassle, we know that believing in yourself is perhaps the best way to overcome it. It is because when we believe in ourselves, we develop a stronger sense of self and get pumped up to achieve our goals and increase our well-being. While on the flip side, a lack of belief in self implies that one is less likely to change for good or to strive to make things better for themselves. 

Believing in ourselves is like pressing the acceleration button to move forward. To proceed, press we must. The only hurdle keeping us from doing it is ourselves. Our doubts and double thoughts about our self-worth. They are the ones that keep you from feeling your best and doing your best. If it has become difficult for you to look within and see all the amazing things you possess, it is time to rewire yourself. Upon believing in yourself, you don’t just make things great for yourself but also make the world a better place. 

There are innumerable benefits of believing in yourself. For starters, it makes you feel not just good but great about yourself. Take an example of a person who is full of confidence and self-belief. You will note that such people accomplish a lot in their daily lives. Why because they approach each thing with confidence and a positive mindset. They have a powerhouse of energy to get behind their to-do list and are away from the limiting aspects like procrastination. Not just do they have a great relationship with themselves but also with people around as they refrain from judging others and are more likely to encourage others. Just the way they encourage themselves. 

So we must believe in ourselves. Kind of lost as to how? Well, we are here to get you through. Dive in deeper to know some simple ways how you can instill belief in yourself and set yourself right on the path of life:

Accept your current state

Wish to believe in yourself? Well the first thing you need to do for yourself is to accept your current state. Make peace with how your life is at the moment and make a list of all those things you wish to be different. This will refrain you from fighting with your reality and in in return will help you carve a way out for what’s better for you. Accept that although you don’t believe in yourself today, you are ready to take step towards it.

Revisit your accomplishments

Believing in yourself becomes easy when you feel good about yourself. And the best way to feel good about ourselves is by revisiting our accomplishments. No matter how trivial they seem, take them into your consideration and you will automatically see the quotient of self-belief rise. Sit down and make a list of all your accomplishments both small and big. Make it a point to understand your skills with this list. As the next step is to hone them.

Work on your plus points

Now that you are well aware of what your plus points are make sure you hone them. Lack of self-belief has more to do with what you cant do, honing your strengths however points you in the direction of what you can do. So work on your plus points. This will take your mind off of all the limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. Stop practicing what you are not good at and instead work on your strengths. When you take that stride from good to better and then best there’s an automatic surge in the quotient of self-belief.

Surround yourself with people who uplift you

Most of the time, the reason why you don’t believe in yourself enough is because of the people around you. The constant nagging and criticism are what strip away all the positivity. And so it is very important to surround yourself with people who uplift you. Trouble seeing the amazing things in yourself? The same people will help you find these things within you. As it is never a struggle for them to see those things in you.

Embrace the true you

It is difficult to have faith in yourself if you don’t know who you really are, or worse, you are trying to be someone else. Self-confidence and belief come from embracing the true you. Understand what makes you you, and dig deeper to discover all the innate qualities that help you stay distinct. When you get a fair idea of them, make sure you celebrate them.

Set realistic goals and stay true to them

It is natural for us to feel good about ourselves when we accomplish our goals. We urge you to set realistic goals as they are achievable and make you feel good about yourself when achieved. Setting realistic goals boosts self-efficacy and instills the belief that I can! Now that you are well aware of your skills and have made efforts to hone them, set goals that align with them.

Find something that you believe in

It could be a project or cause or anything that aligns with your belief system. Look out for things that appeal to you and those you believe in. This we say for you to experience one feeling, and that is passion! Your passion for these things will enable you to work harder and challenge your potential.



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