November 2020

How to Trade Futures: Platforms, Strategies, and Pros and Cons

Futures are derivative contracts that let you speculate on the future price of some asset or commodity, or to let you hedge against existing positions. Because they utilize leverage, futures can amplify your bets, making for larger returns, but also larger losses. A futures trading plan will revolve around your specific trading strategy. Just like […]

How to Trade Futures: Platforms, Strategies, and Pros and Cons Read More »

Expanding the continuum of substance use disorder treatment: Nonabstinence approaches PMC

Against this backdrop, both tonic (stable) and phasic (transient) influences interact to determine relapse likelihood. Tonic processes include distal risks–stable background factors that determine an individual’s “set point” or initial threshold for relapse 8,31. Personality, genetic or familial risk factors, drug sensitivity/metabolism and physical withdrawal profiles are examples of distal variables that could influence relapse

Expanding the continuum of substance use disorder treatment: Nonabstinence approaches PMC Read More »

Job Costing Software Built for Construction

Accurate job costing facilitates project management and helps accountants monitor profitability. Due to the long-term nature of construction projects, change orders occur often. Construction accountants must update project estimates and recalculate project profitability after every change order. Ensure Job Costing Accuracy In effect, this means that each member of the partnership pays separate taxes. However,

Job Costing Software Built for Construction Read More »

Вакансія: Full Stack Developer, компанія PRO people Recruitment Agency, робота у Києві

Щодня ми можемо надсилати вам схожі вакансії на ел. Щоб зберегти вакансію, треба увійти або зареєструватися. Javascript Full-Stack Curriculum Owner Наша компанія працює з окремими відомими іноземними брендами у В2С направленні на постійній основі і наразі нараховує штат більше 1500 співробітників. Натискаючи «Продовжити», щоб приєднатися або увійти, ви приймаєте Угоду про користування LinkedIn, Політику

Вакансія: Full Stack Developer, компанія PRO people Recruitment Agency, робота у Києві Read More »

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